Define: style

Tomorrow is the place for today's fashion. Be your own fashion knight. Now that's my-ModusVivendi. So live it!

Style is unique. Style is individual. Style is YOU!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

parted from my phone for now...

I am currently living phone-less and internet-less! so the chances of myself blogging are minisculeee!!!!
i say i am currently technologically hibernating if you may say!
so what do i do with this time! well just go through my wardrobe and play around a little! become a little artistic ;) (i shall reveal all once i am out of hibernation!!!) and yeah play around with makeup making myself look like a split between minnie mouse and little miss sunshine! (i'll reveal that soon too!!) haha!
it's all a little crazy down Hana-ville :o!
but yessss i have many posts lined up, so do not worry! i shall be back soon with my constant blabber :p!!
(just for the record! my man met summer project due in a month has still not begun! neither have i got any plans for it-eternal screwed-dome!)
but forr nowwww!!!!

Love Hana

PS, i am now the owner of ZUMBA on my kinect *woopwoop*!!!

Saturday 20 August 2011

That shop till you drop theory...

Yess! It exists! And I know the exact way of doing it:
9am: wake up, breakfast shower and dress
10:30 am: LEAVE (with comfy shoes easy to slip off to try new ones on ;)!
11am: start to shop
2:30pm: a sit down with some light lunch
3pm: hit the shops again
7pm: arms falling off legs about to break, sole of feet kill, its time to get 
back to the car! 
BAM! That's how its done! With most of the shopping being primark! Which btw may I say! Blackburn is 
home to the best primark EVER! Bestttttt sale! Even better than our manchester one :o! (which reminds 
me! the new primark bags are really nice :o! shock shock! haha)!!!
And the best part 
is; this is probably the kazilionth time we've done this since summer started! Uni wardroab... Erm CHECK! 
But you know how it works! A girl can never have too many clothes and shoes and bags! Well a girl 
ALWAYS needs something new! Sooooo......
SHOP TILL YOU DROP my little fashionitas! It's always a cheer up!!! 
Especially following results day ;)! 
"Shop, shop, shop" (foot soak needed! Need to try out that fishy nibbles thingy 
Love Hana

The Loafers and a little bit of shoe glory......

 So the loafers pic I had promised is finally here! A little late! but they are here :D! totally gawjus shoes which I searched and searched and searched until I found the PERFECT pair. But i have one word of advice!
 Always check the size when ordering shoes off of Ebay! otherwise you end up having to stuff tissues at the front and wear a pair of insoles to make them fit! even with all that padding! believe me, its not very comfortable *thumb down*

whilst on the concept of SHOESSSSSSSS! well well the gawjus Jeffery Campbell shoes you see! are definitely worth a buy! I first set eyes on them on my cousins bbm display picture! and have just found out, THAT SHE BOUGHT THEM!!! 180 frikin pounds!!!! I don't even havw £10 forget £180!!!!  TOTAL JEALOUSY ALERT! maybe I'll find a similar copycat in Primark (always the answer to unaffordable things :p)!!

so yes, whats the verdict!? views on the Campbell beauty's?
Let me know, and I'll keep you updated on the latest foot glory

PS (currently waiting on results day outfit pictures! So they shall be here soon!!! 

Love Hana

Thursday 18 August 2011


well let's just say today morning didn't go so well! whilst everybody was busy getting their results (which btw i later found out we were getting via college intranet rather than by text) i was unable to log onto my account! so being awake at 6AM for no reason imparticular i showered and took 2 hours to get ready! good times :p!
i decided the amount of jewelry i had planned to wear wasn't appropriate for the rush i was in and the loafer heels i was planning on wearing also weren't going to get me to college in a quick wiz of time! so instead i stuck to brogues and minus-ed the ankle socks due to excessive heat! (it's still meant to rain today but at this rate, we'll be living in an Indian Monsoon!)
on the plus side i failed nothing but my history which was still an overall C with the boost from last years A and a B in coursework. a VERY pleasing B in English literature and language and a minuscul-'y' dissapointing B in art and also in textiles! an A would've been digested a little more happily! but long live the BBBC! none complainable realy :D!
(i just think i should mention the boy sat next to me in the college ICT room just shouted "YESSSSSS" really loud! i'm assuming he did pretty good! just a guess!)
currently I am trying to upload a few pictures of the beautiful loafers butit doesnt seem to be working! so we may hav to wait till tonight!
time to ring the mother it seems and let her know the good news!

Love Hana

Wednesday 17 August 2011

The night before the "Day"

okay, so you know how i said i wasn't worried yesterday! well nerves 'r' us today! nerves central down my end it is! truth is! whether I need the grades or not! i WANT them!
so yes in a sense, i do NEED the grades so tonight will be a pray-full night full of that little thing called 'hope'!!
so to keep my mind off things! I've put a little more thought into tomorrows outfit! sun till 4 according to the BBC so  pale blue dress it is!
shall be teamed with a pair of ankle lace socks and either today's newly bought primark brogues or some comfy tan moccasins also from primark. not to forget a load of jewelry to decorate those things we call arms :D!
absolutely love the cute little white cherries! and the high buttoned collars are definitely a good step back in to the past
 my camera's not all that great atm! blackberry cam ;)!BUT i am waiting on my Panasonic Lumix! entry to come on the beautiful camera! *megasyke*!

so now lets pray for beautiful weather and depending on the mood shall look forward to beginning my high street fashion spy cam and the first of my personal styling!!! updates also on my twitter @hanasodawala which i am currently trying to change to @modusvivendi...(which is proving to be a lot more difficult that I had anticipated)! stay tuned ;)

Love Hana

24 hours from now....RESULTS DAY OUTFIT!!!!

ahh yess! 24 hours from now is the day many many of those out there are dreading! 24 hours from now is the day which decides the direction in which their future goes! 24 hours from now is
the wonderful
arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! the dreaded A-levels results day! the BIG ONE!
but there is one little thing that bothers me! I really am not dreading it :o!
Haha! I guess I can base that on the fact that I only need to pass 3 a-levels with any grade! so, no pressure really! the hard part has already been witnessed! the horrid interview!
I have more important things to worry about!
well, the results I shall receive by text! so my results day outfit will either have to be something to reflect my happy ray after opening these amazing results or something to make me feel better for the totally terrible results!
either way! a pick amongst my newly bought dresses in hope for beautiful weather (highly unlikely in this country *sigh*)
so let the brainwaving begin! come rain, bring out a new floral mini skirt with the black cowgirl boots!
come shine! a collared sleeveless sky blue midi dress which i've been looking forward to wearing!
updates to come :p

Love Hana

Thursday 11 August 2011

And it begins....

So let it begin. Yet another fashion blog with a hint of me! Pictures, words of fashion wisdom and a taste of real people in the real world! If I see it, well then blog it! After all It'sMy-ModusVivendi!
Bring on the colour

Love Hana